DanceStudio-Pro Blog

Don't Let Underfilled Classes Hold Your Studio Back

Running a dance studio is no small feat, and one of the biggest challenges many owners face is keeping their classes full. According to the Dance Studio Owners Association (DSOA) 2024 Dance Studio Owners Survey, nearly 60% of studios are under 75% capacity or don’t know their class capacity. That’s a lot of untapped potential just waiting to be unleashed! 

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An image of young ballerinas overlaid with the title of this article: Marketing eCards: How Dance Studios Can Attract Customers

Marketing eCards: How Dance Studios Can Attract Customers

From choreographing routines to managing finances, running a dance studio involves juggling numerous responsibilities. With tight budgets and limited time, marketing your studio often takes a back seat. But what if there was a cost-effective way to attract new students and keep current ones engaged? Enter marketing eCards.

Imagine receiving a beautifully designed, personalized eCard from your local dance studio, welcoming you to your first class or wishing you a happy birthday. This small gesture can create a lasting impression and build a loyal customer base. In this article, we’ll explore how your dance studio can leverage eCards to enhance its marketing efforts and cultivate a strong community.

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The title of this content on the left with a photo of a woman in an apron on the right.

4 Additional Revenue Streams to Grow Your Small Business

The average healthy profit margin for a small business is between 7% and 10%, depending on the sector. For example, a dog grooming business would likely have a higher average profit margin than a restaurant as food service is notorious for its razor-thin margins. How do your small business’s profits compare to this benchmark?

While the answer to that question will depend on many factors, from the age of your business to the products and services you offer, it’s worth considering ways you can boost your profits. Implementing other revenue streams in addition to your core offerings is a great way to secure more revenue and improve your financial security. 

To help you get started, we’ll walk through a few ideas you can employ to start bringing in more money, whether you run a dance studio or a local gym. Let’s begin!

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The title of the post next to a photo of a dancer preparing for a virtual college audition.

How to Help Dancers Prepare for Virtual College Auditions

If you have upper-level, high-school-age dancers training at your studio, chances are that some of them will want to continue their study of dance in college. Whether they’re planning to major specifically in dance or pursue a related performing arts discipline like musical theatre, they’ll likely look to your studio’s team members—their longtime instructors—to help them prepare for college auditions.

Although many colleges moved their auditions online for the 2020 and 2021 seasons due to the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual auditions are still prevalent in the performing arts landscape. They’re more accessible and cost-effective for applicants and more streamlined for programs. So, you’ll need to adapt your strategies for preparing your students for college auditions to the virtual space.

In this guide, we’ll provide tips and tricks for your team to help your students prepare for the following aspects of virtual college auditions:
  • Applying to Performing Arts Programs
  • Organizing Their Audition Schedules
  • Choosing and Rehearsing Repertoire
  • Promoting Self-Care During the Audition Process

How exactly you apply these tips will depend on your students’ needs and the programs they’re applying to. However, framing your process around these general guidelines will set your dancers and team up for success. Let’s get started!

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The title of the article superimposed over an image of a dance instructor helping a student.

What CSR Program is Right for My Business? 7 Ideas

If your business is looking to raise support in your local community, it may be worthwhile to turn to corporate social responsibility (CSR). Small businesses and those with tight budgets may have doubts about their ability to get involved in philanthropy, but with the right CSR program, you’ll find being a good corporate citizen is shockingly achievable. 

But what is the right CSR program for your business? To answer this question, we’ll dive into seven of our favorite, impactful ideas for making a difference in your community. First, however, we need to make it clear just what we mean by CSR and how it differs from philanthropy.

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